Blue Petals Afloat

Blue Petals Afloat
Logic informs us the corollas are not afloat

Saturday, January 19, 2019


This plaque is in the Holocaust Museum. Its message is stark testimony that the vast majority of Europeans during years of the Holocaust were in one camp or the other when it came to "the Jewish question": 1) many of that majority were actively complicit with the Nazis for persecuting the Jews; however, 2) most of that majority were passively complicit either out of craven cowardice, or out of antisemitic prejudice. Christendom's influence throughout many centuries in Europe, and wherever else it held sway, was responsible for the abysmal moral and spiritual failure that cost millions of lives, including many of the lives of Jehovah's righteous Christian servants. Christendom's unrepentant masses and the unrepentant masses in the rest of false religion in the world will soon experience fulfillment of Revelation 18:4-8.

"The great majority of Europeans during the period of the Holocaust were neither killers nor victims. But whether or not they were involved in the ongoing genocide or understood the full extent of the "Final Solution," most could observe small events forming part of the catastrophe as it unfolded in their own communities.

"In France, the existence of numerous detention camps for Jewish refugees -- many established even before the German conquest -- was known to the public. In eastern Europe, Poles watched as ghettos were filled with deportees from foreign countries and nearby towns and villages. Like citizens of the Soviet Union and Baltic republics, Poles knew about the massacres taking place in nearby forests. From 1933 on, Germans watched in silence as their Jewish neighbors were isolated, dispossessed, and deported for "resettlement in the East." 

"Some bystanders sought to exploit the situation of the Jews for personal gain, but most merely stood by, neither collaborating nor coming to the aid of the victims. This passivity amounted to acquiescence, and the planners and executors of the "Final Solution" counted on bystanders not intervening in the process of genocide."

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