Here you may read in my blog some arguments I posted in the past on other web sites for support of Biblical truth.
Blue Petals Afloat
Logic informs us the corollas are not afloat
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Conversation with an Atheist
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Is Horizontal Gene Transfer a Naturalistic Cause of Speciation for Existence of Fundamentally Dissimilar Species?
I have found in "Bard AI" by Google a new sparring partner. After much debate with Bard, he made the inglorious--"inglorious" from an evolutionist's POV--admission you see below respecting the much-touted role that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) supposedly played in the speciation of life forms after the supposed abiogenetic appearance of a universal ancestor, supposedly an organism that became the progenitive root of the biosphere. It is important to keep in mind that models of HGT for their supposed role in the origin of extra-bacterial speciation are not models based on empirical evidence yielded by experimentation in accordance with the scientific method: HGT models are based on the existence of pre-existing DNA, and where the HGT model is scientifically demonstrated, it shows itself as a truly remarkable way that a bacterium might obtain adaptive advantage for the persistence of its species, which is by its using pre-existing genes acquired from its extra-cellular environment.
"First of all, thanks for reading at least something of my post. The biological jargon is readily explained by Googling the terms and phrases. The bottom line is that HGT is not the refuge some evolutionists (namely, those among them who know that genetic mutations are not at the root--not the origin, not the cause--of all speciation) seek; it is not scientifically demonstrated to be the cause either immediately or proximally for all speciation after the supposed abiogenetic appearance of unicellular life (microbiota). And because God lives, then atheistic materialists (evolutionists) are whistling past the graveyard because it is according to their wish that they deliberately have willed themselves not to recognize that a Supreme Being (the God of the Bible) lives. How convenient it seems for them when they declare that there is no God who can and will hold them accountable and unexcused from punishment by him for what in the end may well amount to their unrepented, idolatrous denial of him: they may ever incorrigibly refuse to live according to God's will for all men until it has become too late and psychologically impossible for them to repent. Evolutionists imagine that they have found in life forms here on earth a reasonable basis for them to declare "God does not exist," when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. Please read Romans 1:18-25. Jill, here is excellent information in non-technical jargon; just click on this link:
Thursday, August 10, 2023
First-century Christians Likely Ate Pork
Insight on the Scriptures, vol. I (Brooklyn, New York: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1988) pp. 1172-3), under article entry "IDOLS, MEATS OFFERED TO," reminds us that first-century Christians had to give careful regard to the circumstances for when they might choose to eat some meat from an animal, part of which had been consumed in a sacrifice at a pagan temple, the more so when eating the other part of the meat while either in the company of unknowledgeable unbelievers or in the company of those newly converted to Christianity. What might some of those circumstances be? They are set forth in the article referred to above, and an excerpt of which follows here:
"Under inspiration Paul provided the Corinthian Christians with timely information to aid them in making the correct decisions. Although “an idol is nothing,” it would not be advisable for a Christian to go to an idol temple to eat meat (even though his eating was not part of a religious ceremony), because he could thereby be giving spiritually weak observers the wrong impression. Such observers might conclude that the Christian was worshiping the idol, and they could be stumbled by this. It could lead such weaker ones to the point of actually eating meats sacrificed to idols in religious ceremonies, in direct violation of the decree of the governing body. There was also the danger that the Christian eater would violate his own conscience and yield to idol worship.—1Co 8:1-13.
"Since the ceremonial offering of meats to idols produced no change in the meat, the Christian could, however, with a good conscience buy meat from a market that received some of its meat from religious temples. This meat had lost its “sacred” significance. It was just as good as any other meat, and the Christian was therefore not under obligation to make inquiry respecting its origin.—1Co 10:25, 26.
Furthermore, the Christian, upon being invited to a meal, did not have to make inquiry concerning the source of the meat but could eat it with a good conscience. If, however, an individual present at the meal were to remark that the meat had been “offered in sacrifice,” then the Christian would refrain from eating it to avoid stumbling others.—1Co 10:27-29."
No, it would not per se--and not necessarily--be an act of idolatry for a Christian to eat some meat while seated in a dining room in a pagan temple even though some other part of the animal's flesh had just been offered in sacrifice to a pagan god/goddess, which was an act usually performed on an altar at or near the temple's entrance. It was not advisable for a Christian to do such a thing because an unbeliever at the temple might assume that the Christian there had ordered up the sacrifice, and was now eating his communion part of the sacrificial victim. True, dining rooms in a pagan temple usually accommodated celebrants of a cultic sacrifice, but not necessarily. At times, the banquet rooms served as a place where secular business might be conducted, and where acquaintances might meet for various other reasons, as is done today by those who reserve a restaurant's banquet room.
So, what has all this to do with whether or not there is a likelihood that some first-century Christians qua Christians had eaten pork? Consider the research by Susan Cole, Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classics in the University at Buffalo New York's College of Arts and Sciences. An article that reviewed Cole's research was presented by Patricia Donovan and was released on August 16, 2000. Donovan (whose article titled Hog Wild in Athens B.C.E.! Role of Pigs in Social and Religious Life Provides Insights into Ancient Greece) is now retired from University Communications, University at Buffalo. Excerpts of her review are as follows:
"Pork may be today's "other white meat," but when it comes to hog heaven, we can't hold a candle to the ancient Greeks....
"In Greece, for instance, the pig served as a sacrificial animal, a votive offering to gods, especially those who preferred swine to a chicken or a hecatomb of oxen. Since protein was an important food group but less available than grains and vegetables, it was the rare pig whose entire self was consumed in the sacrificial flame. Instead, since that meat went bad quickly, it was important that freshly killed animals be distributed for food as efficiently as possible.
"This was one function of the ubiquitous Greek cults, relatively small circles of individuals united by a particular religious devotion or practice that met to offer sacrifices on behalf of their patron deities....
"When a cult presented an animal for temple sacrifice, only part of the sacrifice was consumed by fire. That part was for the god. Although there were exceptions, the rest was usually shared by the sanctuary attendants and members of the sacrificing cult....
"Cole points out that meat distribution, particularly of a large animal like a sow or a boar, frequently took place at a sacrificial meal -- a fairly large dinner party -- held for members of the cult that had purchased the animal used in the sacrifice. In fact, Cole says, ancient dinner menus and records from sanctuaries and cults have survived and clearly indicate the importance of pork as a valued source of protein."--News Center, University at Buffalo.
If, then, a non-Christian businessman assured his Christian business associate that for the sake of convenience he and other business associates could conclude a business deal over a meal in a temple dining room, but that there would be no cultic rituals participated by any in attendance, then the Christian might feel no compunction about attending and paying for a meal at the temple. True, his conscience might not send up a red flag against his attendance, but what about the conscience of others? Suppose a newly converted man stumbled? Suppose that unbelievers consider the Christian's behavior to be a betrayal of his faith? Suppose that the Christian immersed in the idolatrous hubbub occurring at the temple let himself become enticed to wander off into giving some form of worship to the temple's patron deity? So, the Christian shows wisdom when he refuses to eat a meal inside a temple.
What, though, if the Christian is at a meal in an unbeliever's home, and another newly converted Christian weak in his faith is also in attendance at the dinner? Suppose the following remark is made by either the unbeliever or by the newly converted man: "This is meat from a boar sacrificed to Demeter"? Then the two Christians present at the meal ought not to eat, the newly converted Christian not to eat because he would wound his own conscience, and the more mature Christian also ought not to eat in order that he would not wound the newly-converted man's conscience, nor to eat because the unbeliever may be looking for a way to bring an accusation against the Christians eating a meal in his home.
The issue is joined over a matter of conscience that may operate differently in each believer according to how much knowledge each one has acquired in his study of God's word. The issue is not joined over the question of the nature of the meat being eaten--whether or not the meat is pork--, but whether or not the meat had come from an animal devoted to a false god/goddess. Quite often the animals sacrificed at a pagan temple were pigs. It is very telling against the thought that first-century Christians were forbidden to eat pork, for then the apostle Paul would certainly have invoked such a prohibition as an added reason for a Christian to be careful about the idea of his going to a temple to eat a meal.
Thursday, June 22, 2023
"DNA Messages . . . Are . . . Pure Digital Code"; So, Who Wrote the Code?
In River Out of Eden, evolutionist Richard Dawkins describes the intricate functioning of genetic coding in the living cell:
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Did Paul in His Epistle to the Romans Advocate for Homosexuals?
As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we know that Christendom, which includes the Anglican Church, has fulfilled Bible prophecy that marks it as pseudo-Christianity. Since the 20th century’s World War I, it has become ever more evident that all Christendom is a poisonous tree; its fruitage is harming all who keep “eating” it. For example, any who let themselves be mislead by a Church’s “pro-gay” stance into approving homosexuality as a morally acceptable life-style obviously do not have at that time God’s approval. Yet, on the other hand, all who smugly persecute homosexuals—rather than that they would try to make loving appeal to homosexuals on the basis that Jehovah forgives in a large way all who repentantly turn away from and desist ungodly conduct—do not have the mind of Jesus Christ, either. True Christians do not not involve themselves in political government; they can never participate in sitting in judgment against unbelievers who are outside the Christian faith (see 1 Corinthians 5:11-13), and accordingly we do not seek (agitate for) a man-coerced (politically sanctioned) correction of society’s evils, whatever they are or are imagined to be. We only want to be left to practice our faith in peace without disruptive intrusion by those who do not share our Christ-taught values; still, we want to adhere to Christ’s command that we advertise peacefully the merits of our brotherhood’s way of life as the best way of life. We earnestly desire to welcome whole-heartedly into our fellowship anyone who has learned from God’s holy word how to repent of, and turn away from, ungodly practices, and who will then dedicate himself to doing God’s holy will and symbolize it by Christian baptism.
Saturday, May 27, 2023
In Vitro Gametogenesis (IVG) -- Can It Replace the Ministrations of Our Savior Jesus Christ?
Scientists are making effort to perfect "In Vitro Gametogenesis" (IVG) for various and immoral scenarios as respects human reproduction. For example, if IVG for human reproduction is ever perfected, it could mean that 2 gay men could become the donors of the necessary gametes between them for result of an "in vitro fertilization," here the sexual union of an engineered ovum with an engineered spermatazoon. The result would, of course, be a conception (embryo), a human being, that could then be transplanted into the womb of a female (surrogate mother): the child born would be the biological offspring of a sexual union of the 2 males' DNA. The child would have a male for its biological mother. The abominable sin would belong to the child's parents; it would not be charged to the child.
Another scenario is that a lone man could become biologically both the father and mother of his child, which, of course, would require the participation of a capable female as the surrogate mother for birth of the child. And in the case of a female, she could alone become both the father and mother of her child, which need not involve the surrogacy of another female in cases where the biological mother has the maturity of a reproductively capable female. Men's capabilities with their various genetic engineering feats (e.g., CRISPR gene editing) can never result in a sinless (perfect, physically fit for everlasting life) human as the progenitor of a perfect strand of men that might in time supplant weaker, diseased, death-prone families of men. It was not God's purpose that Jesus become the father of perfect humans so that they might then eventually supplant sinful families of men. No, but God so loved the world of sin-inheriting offspring of Adam that he transferred the life of his Son into the womb of a virgin Jewess for him to become the one whose death could substitute for the deaths of as many imperfect/sinful men as would accept Jesus' death in their behalf.
Scientists working with In Vitro Gametogenesis (IVG) aspire to combine that discipline with CRISPR genetic engineering for the production of a perfect (physically fit for everlasting life) genome so that then the result would soon enough be a perfected race of men all members of which might live forever. Can such a thing occur? Not according to Job 14:4 where we read: “Who can produce someone clean from someone unclean? No one can!”
It is reasonable, then, to believe that Adam’s and Eve’s guilty consciences following their rebellion against Jehovah God had a profound epigenetic effect on their genomes for the introduction of a “clock” that soon enough began counting down to biological death of their steadily debilitating bodies, and is a biology passed on to all of us because we have inherited that Adamic sin and its consequence, death (see Romans 5:12, 14). Our genomes have Adamic sin too intractably programmed into them for mere human ingenuity to extirpate it. Science will never become the savior of mankind so that science had shoved aside Jehovah’s legally acquired right—a right based upon the sacrifice of his Son’s perfect human life—for engineering an end to inherited human sinfulness. This will be accomplishment by power of holy spirit at work through the ministrations of his Son whom Jehovah has made to be the Chief Agent of life (Acts 3:15; 5:31; Hebrews 2:10).
How did Jesus qualify for the role of his becoming a perfect human like Adam was before Adam chose to sin against God? It was necessary that God cause his Son to become the miraculous conception of a perfect embryo (Jesus the Nazarene) in the womb of a virgin female (Mary), for Mary was made pregnant apart from the agency of a man's spermatozoon. Yes, as astonishing as men's tinkering with genes has proved to be already, yet men have not done nor will they ever be able to do anything as wonderful as what the Creator did when he created Adam's and Eve's perfect (sinless) genomes; nor can men do any genetic engineering in a human genome that should result in the presence of a perfect man on earth. Even were they to place in a virgin woman's womb her own child and that conception occur apart from the agency of any man's spermatozoon, it would not be sinless as was the case for what God did for the virgin Jewess Mary. No, there is nothing that men can do for eradicating imperfection from any person's genome so that he might never suffer diseases in his body nor suffer the debilitating effects of old age. No man will ever be able to say, "I have become my own savior unto everlasting life." No man will ever produce someone clean out of someone unclean!
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Does God Intend There to Be a Third Earthly, Literal Temple of Stones in Jerusalem?
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Protein Folding Thwarts Any Theory of Abiogenesis
Which came first—protein folding or cellular life? Clearly, protein folding never occurred outside the cell, because any protein folded outside the cell, even under laboratory-assisted mechanisms, would never have a “natural-selection” fit for a cell’s useful life. So, protein folding first occurred in a cell. How was the nucleosome’s genetic code able to code for all the processes before natural selection could blindly work it all out for determination of when and how a cell's needed proteins are made and folded? Let us focus, though, on folding of an amino acid sequence, a polypeptide chain, into a 3-dimensional structure that proteins possess. The folding of a polypeptide chain must occur in fractions of a second if the cell is to have any use in its relatively short life span for the resultant protein. How serious is the problem?
“Some researchers noted that [, in a search made by a computer program for a correct folding of a specific protein,] the accuracy is not high enough for a third of its predictions, and that it does not reveal the mechanism or rules of protein folding for the [protein folding problem]( to be considered solved.
“When studied [outside the cell](, the slowest folding proteins require many minutes or hours to fold.
“In 1969, Cyrus Levinthal noted that, because of the very large number of degrees of freedom in an unfolded polypeptide chain, the molecule has an astronomical number of possible conformations. An estimate of 3^300 or 10^143 was made in one of his papers.[70] [Levinthal's paradox]( is a thought experiment based on the observation that if a protein were folded by sequential sampling of all possible conformations, it would take an astronomical amount of time to do so, even if the conformations were sampled at a rapid rate (on the [nanosecond]( or [picosecond]( scale).[71] Based upon the observation that proteins fold much faster than this, Levinthal then proposed that a random conformational search does not occur, and the protein must, therefore, fold through a series of metastable [intermediate states]( .”
That polypeptide chain (PC) undergoes folding by the ribosome for production of a stable protein. The fascinating thing here is how a PC interacts with a ribosome for determination of the correct folding to be imposed on the PC. A PC is capable of being folded into any one of an astronomically large number of different ways by the ribosome. How is the correct folding given the PC by the ribosome? Only one of a myriad possible foldings that a PC can assume, were it not for regulatory mechanisms (e.g., chaperone proteins) assisting the ribosome, will be imposed for the production of a complex protein crucial to a certain function/process/manufacture in a certain cell, and not be for production of a protein that would be not merely unnecessary for the cell, but could easily be for production of a protein that would ultimately be lethal to that cell’s reason for existence. There are, moreover, different types of ribosomes, each type having been specially coded for that type ribosome's existence with its type-specific capability to assist in normative imposition on the PC of the correct folding that the PC should assume (for it, in turn, to become the correct and stable protein needed), for “each type of ribosome manufactures characteristically distinct types of proteins.” These proteins might be any of a number of different designs/shapes. Some are exported from the cell, and others are for exclusive use within the cell for making all the cell’s structures in the cytoplasm, and some proteins are for the different types of ribosomes that are manufactured in the nucleosome. These ribosome-building proteins exit the cytoplasm and are then found in the nucleus through mediation of a number of different transport receptors (karyopherins or importins); all this is for construction of more and various types of ribosomes in the nucleosome, they being readied for export into the cytoplasm, or they become part of a duplicate population of ribosomes needed before cell replication can proceed.
Now, the aforementioned fact about ribosomal proteins being delivered from the cytoplasm to the nucleus squares the miracle. How so? Consider the following quote (see source at [Ribosomes: Manufactured by Design, Part 1 - Reasons to Believe](
“Because ribosomes are needed to make the proteins needed to make ribosomes, it becomes difficult to envision how this type of chicken-and-egg system could emerge via evolutionary processes. Protein synthesis would have to function optimally at the onset. If it did not, it would lead to a cycle of auto-destruction for the cell.
"Ribosomes couldn’t begin as crudely operating protein-manufacturing machines that gradually increased in efficiency—evolving step-by-step—toward the optimal systems, characteristic of contemporary biochemistry. If error-prone, ribosomes will produce defective proteins—including ribosomal proteins. In turn, defective ribosomal proteins will form ribosomes even more prone to error, setting up the auto-destruct cycle. And in any evolutionary scheme, the first ribosomes would have been error-prone.”
[Mark Roseman]( Biochemistry Professor (Emeritus in 2020) at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (1979–present) says: “To make proteins you need L-amino acids, which require complex metabolic pathways, which requires dozens of enzymes—[themselves] proteins—which require DNA for coding. A membrane does no good without transport proteins and an unbelievably complex apparatus for correctly inserting them into bilayers.
“You need an energy source to drive protein synthesis, something like an ATP cycle.
“Researchers in abiogenesis all agree that several elements are required to make a cell, and for a long time they pursued various ways that things can happen sequentially. But most of these hypothetical schemes find themselves stalled at some stage with chicken-and-egg dilemmas….
“[It is] hard to explain abiogenesis via a sequence of steps.” [end of quote]
Yes, it's difficult for anyone even to conceive any plausible scenario other than that in one fell swoop a creative act had to have occurred for the life of the first living cells of their kind, this in order that they should also have ability to replicate themselves before dying, and so on and so on.
Do you think that ribosomes having ability to assist in imposing just the correct folding on a PC, for result of a stable and needed protein, are the product of random mutations in the genetic code resident in a cell’s nucleosome? That is not a reasonable speculation, is it? No, certainly not! Far more reasonable is our recognition of the existence of a purposeful Creator who has wisdom and power for designing life forms suitable for existence and replication here on earth. The Bible identifies him by the name “Jehovah,” and the Bible says this about him: “With you is the source of life; By your light we can see light” (Psalm 36:9).
For more information on the origin of life, follow this link: