Blue Petals Afloat

Blue Petals Afloat
Logic informs us the corollas are not afloat

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Is Horizontal Gene Transfer a Naturalistic Cause of Speciation for Existence of Fundamentally Dissimilar Species?

I have found in "Bard AI" by Google a new sparring partner. After much debate with Bard, he made the inglorious--"inglorious" from an evolutionist's POV--admission you see below respecting the much-touted role that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) supposedly played in the speciation of life forms after the supposed abiogenetic appearance of a universal ancestor, supposedly an organism that became the progenitive root of the biosphere. It is important to keep in mind that models of HGT for their supposed role in the origin of extra-bacterial speciation are not models based on empirical evidence yielded by experimentation in accordance with the scientific method: HGT models are based on the existence of pre-existing DNA, and where the HGT model is scientifically demonstrated, it shows itself as a truly remarkable way that a bacterium might obtain adaptive advantage for the persistence of its species, which is by its using pre-existing genes acquired from its extra-cellular environment.

The observation that there exist DNA sequences from bacteria similar to or the same as sequences in the DNA of plants merely demonstrates the reasonableness in the Creator's decision to make economic use of the same sequences of DNA even though they would then be found in fundamentally dissimilar life forms. This is what we would logically expect the Creator to do whenever he wanted a similarity of function among fundamentally different life forms. He would then accomplish the same DNA sequences in those different life forms by specially creating in those different species the genetic code that should have to be inherited by all the descendants of the species' progenitor(s). On the other hand, a real HGT event is by definition a naturally repeatable event and therefore is predictably a discoverable event. Even so, it is not one known per the scientific method to be one occurring between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. (See footnote 1.) Regardless of how and when HGT events occur, they are by definition the transference of pre-existing DNA and are not involved in the creation of new DNA sequences theretofore nowhere already in existence somewhere in the biosphere.
So, here is what Bard AI admitted:
"Models for genomic evolution dependent on HGT are not derived per the scientific method. The scientific method is a process for acquiring knowledge that has characterized modern science since the 17th century. It involves making observations, formulating a hypothesis, conducting an experiment to test the hypothesis, and drawing conclusions based on the results of the experiment.
"Models for genomic evolution dependent on HGT are not derived using this method. Instead, they are based on assumptions about how HGT might occur and how it might affect genomic evolution. These assumptions are not necessarily supported by evidence, and the models cannot be tested experimentally.
"For example, one common assumption in models of HGT is that HGT occurs at random. However, there is evidence that HGT is not random, but is more likely to occur between certain types of organisms. Additionally, models of HGT often assume that HGT has a significant impact on genomic evolution. However, the evidence for this is mixed. Some studies have found that HGT has a significant impact on genomic evolution, while others have found that its impact is relatively small.
"Overall, models for genomic evolution dependent on HGT are not derived using the scientific method and are based on assumptions that are not necessarily supported by evidence. Therefore, it is not true that these models are derived per the scientific method."
Footnote 1. "Bacteria do not only exchange genes with other bacteria and with viruses (bacteriophages), but also acquire genes horizontally from eukaryotic source organisms. For example, a hemoglobin sequence from the bacterium Vitreoscilla is most closely related to plant leghemoglobins, and has been suggested to promote bacterial survival in oxygen-limited environments." (
It should be noted that the statement "a hemoglobin sequence from the bacterium Vitreoscilla is most closely related to plant leghemoglobins" reports a fact, but the suggestion that the fact is owing to an HGT event is not science (see pertinent comment about hemoglobin below); so, what can reasonably and alternatively explain the phenomenon? A creative act of God can explain it. The reasonable conclusion is that the Creator made use of the same genetic information (same DNA sequences) when suitable for similar functions in different species. True, the statement that the phenomenon reported immediately above is a phenomenon owing to a "creative act of God" is not science, either; however, science does not contravene that statement. Its alternative, however, is not only unscientific but is also the postulation that mindless, undirected processes can be responsible for the exquisite complexity of an organism's genetic code.
About hemoglobin, we find this report in Wikipedia about the protein:
"Leghemoglobin has close chemical and structural similarities to [hemoglobin](, and, like hemoglobin, is red in colour. It was originally thought that the [heme]( prosthetic group for plant leghemoglobin was provided by the bacterial symbiont within symbiotic root nodules.[1][2] However, subsequent work shows that the plant host strongly expresses [entirely nativistic code resident in the nucleosome in the nodule's cells for] heme biosynthesis genes within nodules, and that activation of those genes correlates with leghemoglobin gene expression in developing nodules." (Bracketed material only in this paragraph is mine, Al Kidd's.)
Thus the hemoglobin protein present in fundamentally different life forms is not scientifically shown to be the result of an HGT event. The similarity in those hemoglobin proteins under review here is reasonably argued to be the intended, purposefully designed results of separate creative acts by God who made "tweaked" use of them for basically some of the same DNA information that should be inherited, information that he *especially* created for the presence of the hemoglobin proteins in the fundamentally different forms of life in view here. 


Readers of my blog know that I do not make it possible for them to offer comments on anything I have posted. My blog is not a debate forum. However, on another forum, I thought it worthwhile for me to respond to a workmate who offered me a lighthearted comment about the substance of my research, and I felt I owed her a response.  I made the following response to her:

"First of all, thanks for reading at least something of my post. The biological jargon is readily explained by Googling the terms and phrases. The bottom line is that HGT is not the refuge some evolutionists (namely, those among them who know that genetic mutations are not at the root--not the origin, not the cause--of all speciation) seek; it is not scientifically demonstrated to be the cause either immediately or proximally for all speciation after the supposed abiogenetic appearance of unicellular life (microbiota). And because God lives, then atheistic materialists (evolutionists) are whistling past the graveyard because it is according to their wish that they deliberately have willed themselves not to recognize that a Supreme Being (the God of the Bible) lives. How convenient it seems for them when they declare that there is no God who can and will hold them accountable and unexcused from punishment by him for what in the end may well amount to their unrepented, idolatrous denial of him: they may ever incorrigibly refuse to live according to God's will for all men until it has become too late and psychologically impossible for them to repent. Evolutionists imagine that they have found in life forms here on earth a reasonable basis for them to declare "God does not exist," when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. Please read Romans 1:18-25. Jill, here is excellent information in non-technical jargon; just click on this link: 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

First-century Christians Likely Ate Pork

Insight on the Scriptures, vol. I (Brooklyn, New York: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1988) pp. 1172-3), under article entry "IDOLS, MEATS OFFERED TO," reminds us that first-century Christians had to give careful regard to the circumstances for when they might choose to eat some meat from an animal, part of which had been consumed in a sacrifice at a pagan temple, the more so when eating the other part of the meat while either in the company of unknowledgeable unbelievers or in the company of those newly converted to Christianity. What might some of those circumstances be? They are set forth in the article referred to above, and an excerpt of which follows here:

"Under inspiration Paul provided the Corinthian Christians with timely information to aid them in making the correct decisions. Although “an idol is nothing,” it would not be advisable for a Christian to go to an idol temple to eat meat (even though his eating was not part of a religious ceremony), because he could thereby be giving spiritually weak observers the wrong impression. Such observers might conclude that the Christian was worshiping the idol, and they could be stumbled by this. It could lead such weaker ones to the point of actually eating meats sacrificed to idols in religious ceremonies, in direct violation of the decree of the governing body. There was also the danger that the Christian eater would violate his own conscience and yield to idol worship.​—1Co 8:1-13.

"Since the ceremonial offering of meats to idols produced no change in the meat, the Christian could, however, with a good conscience buy meat from a market that received some of its meat from religious temples. This meat had lost its “sacred” significance. It was just as good as any other meat, and the Christian was therefore not under obligation to make inquiry respecting its origin.​—1Co 10:25, 26.

Furthermore, the Christian, upon being invited to a meal, did not have to make inquiry concerning the source of the meat but could eat it with a good conscience. If, however, an individual present at the meal were to remark that the meat had been “offered in sacrifice,” then the Christian would refrain from eating it to avoid stumbling others.​—1Co 10:27-29."

No, it would not per se--and not necessarily--be an act of idolatry for a Christian to eat some meat while seated in a dining room in a pagan temple even though some other part of the animal's flesh had just been offered in sacrifice to a pagan god/goddess, which was an act usually performed on an altar at or near the temple's entrance. It was not advisable for a Christian to do such a thing because an unbeliever at the temple might assume that the Christian there had ordered up the sacrifice, and was now eating his communion part of the sacrificial victim. True, dining rooms in a pagan temple usually accommodated celebrants of a cultic sacrifice, but not necessarily. At times, the banquet rooms served as a place where secular business might be conducted, and where acquaintances might meet for various other reasons, as is done today by those who reserve a restaurant's banquet room. 

So, what has all this to do with whether or not there is a likelihood that some first-century Christians qua Christians had eaten pork? Consider the research by Susan Cole, Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classics in the University at Buffalo New York's College of Arts and Sciences. An article that reviewed Cole's research was presented by Patricia Donovan and was released on August 16, 2000. Donovan (whose article titled Hog Wild in Athens B.C.E.! Role of Pigs in Social and Religious Life Provides Insights into Ancient Greece) is now retired from University Communications, University at Buffalo. Excerpts of her review are as follows: 

"Pork may be today's "other white meat," but when it comes to hog heaven, we can't hold a candle to the ancient Greeks.... 

"In Greece, for instance, the pig served as a sacrificial animal, a votive offering to gods, especially those who preferred swine to a chicken or a hecatomb of oxen. Since protein was an important food group but less available than grains and vegetables, it was the rare pig whose entire self was consumed in the sacrificial flame. Instead, since that meat went bad quickly, it was important that freshly killed animals be distributed for food as efficiently as possible.

"This was one function of the ubiquitous Greek cults, relatively small circles of individuals united by a particular religious devotion or practice that met to offer sacrifices on behalf of their patron deities....

"When a cult presented an animal for temple sacrifice, only part of the sacrifice was consumed by fire. That part was for the god. Although there were exceptions, the rest was usually shared by the sanctuary attendants and members of the sacrificing cult....

"Cole points out that meat distribution, particularly of a large animal like a sow or a boar, frequently took place at a sacrificial meal -- a fairly large dinner party -- held for members of the cult that had purchased the animal used in the sacrifice. In fact, Cole says, ancient dinner menus and records from sanctuaries and cults have survived and clearly indicate the importance of pork as a valued source of protein."--News Center, University at Buffalo. 

If, then, a non-Christian businessman assured his Christian business associate that for the sake of convenience he and other business associates could conclude a business deal over a meal in a temple dining room, but that there would be no cultic rituals participated by any in attendance, then the Christian might feel no compunction about attending and paying for a meal at the temple. True, his conscience might not send up a red flag against his attendance, but what about the conscience of others? Suppose a newly converted man stumbled? Suppose that unbelievers consider the Christian's behavior to be a betrayal of his faith? Suppose that the Christian immersed in the idolatrous hubbub occurring at the temple let himself become enticed to wander off into giving some form of worship to the temple's patron deity? So, the Christian shows wisdom when he refuses to eat a meal inside a temple. 

What, though, if the Christian is at a meal in an unbeliever's home, and another newly converted Christian weak in his faith is also in attendance at the dinner? Suppose the following remark is made by either the unbeliever or by the newly converted man: "This is meat from a boar sacrificed to Demeter"? Then the two Christians present at the meal ought not to eat, the newly converted Christian not to eat because he would wound his own conscience, and the more mature Christian also ought not to eat in order that he would not wound the newly-converted man's conscience, nor to eat because the unbeliever may be looking for a way to bring an accusation against the Christians eating a meal in his home.

The issue is joined over a matter of conscience that may operate differently in each believer according to how much knowledge each one has acquired in his study of God's word. The issue is not joined over the question of the nature of the meat being eaten--whether or not the meat is pork--, but whether or not the meat had come from an animal devoted to a false god/goddess. Quite often the animals sacrificed at a pagan temple were pigs. It is very telling against the thought that first-century Christians were forbidden to eat pork, for then the apostle Paul would certainly have invoked such a prohibition as an added reason for a Christian to be careful about the idea of his going to a temple to eat a meal.